It’s Time To Check Your Smoke Alarms


With smoke alarms one of the most effective means for warning the household of the danger of fire, the importance on ensuring they work cannot be understated. With winter comes the added risk of forgotten heaters, ovens left on, candles, electric blankets and other winter luxuries that can prove to become a potential fire risk.

Statistics show that 40% of all deaths from fire occur during winter, with heating items seen as the second biggest cause for house fires. Since 2010, an estimated 400,000 electric blankets were deemed unsafe by Recalls Australia.

It’s recommended by industry professionals and the Victorian Building Authority that all smoke alarms should be checked yearly to assure the machines are functioning at full capacity.

While the smoke alarms are connected to the main power (for homes constructed after August 1997), back-up batteries must be replaced each year. For homes built prior to August 1997 that rely on batteries alone, it’s even more important to have regular checks.

Servicing smoke alarms gives peace of mind to you and your family—knowing you have the right systems in place to help you react to fires and dangers to your livelihoods.

Under regulation established in August 1997, landlords are required to meet their smoke alarm compliance obligations for all residential buildings, ensuring the safety of their tenants.

Unlike servicing your car and the lengthy and expensive process that may become, servicing your smoke alarms is for the most part stress free.

A qualified technician will need access to your home and smoke alarms—this means moving any potential obstructions like furniture out of the way—and will simply test the functioning of the machines. For those who struggle to find the time, this process only takes about 30 minutes, depending on how many machines you have installed and how easy they are to access, and potentially could be done during your lunch break.

At Bekdon Richards we realise the importance of ensuring your home is safe, so we’ve teamed up with SmartHouse Australia for a discounted offer of $99.00 on getting your smoke alarms serviced.

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